Probate scripts & common objections for prospecting attorneys | Tricky will situations | Podcast Episode #90

preview for podcast episode Probate Scripts for Attorney Prospecting weekly mastermind episode 90

In this episode, Chad Corbett shares 3 probate scripts for prospecting probate attorneys and overcoming common objections. The group also discusses the new Estate Professional Directory launched to help probate experts find referral partners and generate inbound business from consumer searches.  Chad Corbett also shares insight on tricky probate situations involving will disputes, non-performing attorneys, and minor heirs.

Table of Contents:

Podcast and Video Streams for Probate Scripts for Prospecting Attorneys: Weekly Probate Expert Mastermind Episode #90

Use the podcast player or YouTube video above to catch this episode replay. Click here to access the transcript for this episode.

Estate Professional Vendor and Referral Directory (Referral Networking)

If you’re a professional in the real estate industry, then you know how important it is to have a strong referral network. After all, referrals are one of the best ways to grow your business.

We built the directory as a place to connect consumers and estate professionals in one place. Our goal is to help make it easy for people to find the services they need, whether they’re looking for an estate sale company, an attorney specializing in probate, or any other type of professional.

We invite you to join our directory and start networking with other professionals today. With our easy-to-use search tools, you’ll be able to connect with the right people in no time. So what are you waiting for? Sign up at:

How to offer EstateExec to probate leads (EARN Course)

The EARN course from offers everything you need to know about how to offer EstateExec to probate leads. This comprehensive course will teach you everything from how to network with probate attorneys and bridge the gap between clients and professionals.

Enrolling in the EARN course is a great way to take your probate business to the next level. With Chad Corbett’s custom probate letters and example scripts, you’ll know exactly how to explain the value you offer to probate leads.

Referrals from estate attorneys and SOI marketing (Success Story)

In today’s competitive real estate market, it’s more important than ever to have a sense of reciprocity with your referral partners. That’s why we’re sharing this success story from one of our members, who was able to generate reciprocal referrals from estate attorneys and calling his sphere of influence.

By following the simple steps outlined in the course, Bruce was able to quickly return a referral to an estate attorney he’s building a relationship with. Watch the video segment above to see what success looks like!

Probate seller wants to fire attorney; dispute over will (Probate Real Estate)

Jalen is jumping into probate wholesaling by offering real value to probate leads. He’s been working with probate seller who wants to fire their attorney after an unsolved dispute over a will.

The lead is a surviving spouse who was named executrix by the will, but her step-son filed to open probate before the will was found. The surviving spouse is now stuck in probate quicksand, and although she wants to sell the probate property, she isn’t sure how to proceed with her attorney.

Check out this segment to hear Jalen and Chad discuss how to speak to personal representatives, other relatives, and probate attorneys when there is conflict.

Mobile homes, evictions, and securing property (Probate Evictions)

If you’re working with probate leads, then you know that mobile homes can sometimes be involved in the estate. In this segment, Chad and Stephen discuss how to deal with mobile homes, evictions, and securing property in tense situations.

See More: Mobile Home Park Investing – Deals and Syndications

While the Sherriff’s job is to remove tenants from the property, it isn’t always cut and dry. Watch this segment for some great tips on how to navigate evictions and general safety tips for securing property.

Finding good probate attorneys (Probate Court Visit)

Want to know how to find good probate attorneys? In this segment, Stephen discusses a successful probate court visit that gave him a great idea for finding good probate attorneys.

One of the best places to find probate attorneys is in the probate court. By visiting the court, you can get a sense of which attorneys are handling what cases. Being present is a great way to start introducing yourself to probate attorneys. In addition to becoming a familiar face, you can collect business cards and follow up off-site at a later time.

Stephen also recorded probate marketing videos outside of the courthouse. Watch the video segment above to get inspired by his success.

Probate Script for prospecting attorneys with the EstateExec offer (Attorney Script)

Are you looking for a probate script that you can use to prospect attorneys? In this segment, Chad describes how to use the probate leads script included in the EARN Course to pitch estate attorneys.

Chad begins the conversation by introducing himself and his company, then asks if the attorney is familiar with EstateExec. If not, he briefly explains how the software can be used to help with probate cases.

Next, Chad asks if the attorney would be interested in receiving leads and referrals from the probate marketing he is already doing. He shows the example marketing letter to demonstrate exactly how he markets to probate leads. If the answer is yes, Chad requests simple collaboration from the attorney to help design a local probate checklist.

Watch the episode segment above to hear Chad Corbett’s example attorney prospecting script for the EstateExec offer.

Overcoming probate objections: My attorney said not to hire you (Probate Expert)

Are you having trouble overcoming objections from probate attorney prospects? In this segment, Chad Corbett and Miriam Cruz discuss how to handle common objections from probate attorneys who already work with other real estate professionals.

One objection that comes up often is when a prospect says their attorney advised against hiring a real estate professional. In this case, Chad recommends asking the attorney to provide a specific list of objections. This not only helps you understand their exact concerns, but also shows that they might not have a solid reason at all.

Another option is to meet the attorney in person with the personal representative that wants to hire you for probate real estate services. This is a great way to show the attorney that you’re professional and have the best interest of your client in mind (just like they should!).

For more tips on overcoming probate objections and an example script for what to say to the attorney and client, watch the segment above.

Probate Objections: You live in a different county, you’re too expensive (Ancillary Probate)

If you’re a real estate agent who is handling objections from probate leads and attorneys, then this segment is for you. One objection is about living in another county than where the probate case if filed. This objection could just be an excuse, or it could be a genuine concern for how pro-active you will be in doing what you say you will do. Plus, with probate being a county-specific process, the objection could involve doubt that you know the process in a neighboring county.

Secondly, when you use your expertise to handle objections, another objection might arise about the cost of your services. The important thing to remember when you’re handling objections is that you are the expert. You know what you’re doing, and you’re worth it.

Listen to Chad and Miriam discuss how to handle these objections and more in the segment above.

Closing bank accounts owned by the decedent (Probate Checklist)

One of the items on a personal representative’s probate checklist is to close any bank accounts that are owned by the decedent. This may seem like a simple task, but there are a few things to keep in mind when you’re closing bank accounts during probate.

First, you’ll need to gather all of the account information, including account numbers and passwords. Next, you’ll need to notify the bank of the death of the account holder. The bank will then require a death certificate as well as a letter from the personal representative before they will close the account.

Once the account is closed, any remaining funds will be distributed according to the terms of the decedent’s will. If there is no will, then the funds will be distributed according to state law. Be sure to keep good records of all transactions and correspondence with the bank during this process

EstateExec is a great tool for this, and you can get a wholesale license to offer probate leads when you take the EARN course! Learn more about EstateExec here

Explore: Why EstateExec is the best probate software for estate executors

Sometimes, the customer service representatives at the bank might ask for a will. This isn’t a legal necessity, but the customer representative is just following what they believe to be necessary steps. Watch this segment to hear Chad and Steve discuss how to resolve this situation.

Probate process when only heir is a minor (Probate and Guardianship)

If the only heir to an estate is a minor, then the probate process can be a bit more complicated. A solution is that a guardian can be appointed for the minor. The guardian will be responsible for managing the minor’s share of the estate until they reach.

However, Terry is experiencing a situation where an attorney doesn’t want to go through the guardianship process. The attorney says that it would be less expensive and faster to just go through probate without a guardian.

Terry is unsure what to do because she doesn’t want to end up in court over this issue. Plus, a cash offer on the probate property has already fallen through because of this.

Watch the video segment above to hear Chad’s suggestions.

National Estate Directory and Probate Referrals (Probate Expert Directory)

If you’re looking for a place to be found by probate leads who need real estate help, then the National Estate Directory is a great resource. We are in phase one of launch at the time of this episode.

This directory includes listings for Certified Probate Experts and non-certified probate experts in all 50 states. You can search for experts by name, location, or area of expertise.

If you’re not sure if you want to be listed in the directory yet, you can also join our Facebook group Estate Professionals Mastermind to find referrals when the need arises.

To sign up for the national Estate Professional Directory, click here. Be sure to set up your profile so you can start generating inbound leads just by being listed!

Sign up for the national Estate Professional Directory

Resources for Episode 90

Please note that live participation in weekly group coaching is reserved for Certified Probate Experts (Probate Mastery course alumni).

Recent content:

Seller carryback and sub2 real estate deals in probate (Episode 88 – Weekly group coaching)

Mobile Home Park Investing – Deals and Syndications with Miles Noland (Episode 89 – Ask the Expert)

The 48-Hour Real Estate Referral Formula (Episode 86 – EARN Course Success Story)

How to get more referrals in real estate, WITHOUT Direct Mail (Episode 87 – EARN Course Success Story)

EARN Attorney Q&A sampler

EstateExec Guide, Reviews, and Interview with Dan Stickel (Episode 84 – Ask The Expert)

Links for this episode:

Directory Sign-Up (Phase One of Launch)


If you want to learn more about probate or how to get involved in the probate industry, this episode is for you. Chad Corbett is a wealth of knowledge and his scripts can help you overcome objections and get in front of potential clients. The new Estate Professional Directory is a great resource for finding referral partners and generating inbound business. Best of all, the ability to be part of a nationwide mastermind group with weekly coaching will ensure your success. Get started and become a Probate Mastery member today.

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